
create equidistant breaks

quantile breaks

sampling breaks

barplot showing the number of precursors per window

Table with window boundaries and statistics

summary of the binning process (see objectiveMS1Function for more details)

moves window start and end to region with as few as possible precursor masses

shows the generated DIA cycle



of masses


number of bins default 25


largest window size


smallest window size


mass precision default 2


mass precision


number of bins


default TRUE


size of window overlap default 1 m/z


array of masses

array with masses

array with masses

data.frame with columns: - from (window start) - to (window end) - mid (window centre), width (window width) - counts expected number of precursors

list with optimization scores

data.frame with optimized windows



MS1 masses


the breaks


number of bins


mass accuracy in result


asTable(overlap = 1)

make windows


show error

optimizeWindows(digits = 1, maxbin = 15, plot = FALSE, overlap = 0)

optimizes the windows

quantile_breaks(digits = 2)

same number of MS1 in each window but might violate hard constraints

sampling_breaks(maxwindow = 150, minwindow = 5, digits = 2, plot = FALSE)

starts with quantile breaks but mixes with uniform data to satisfy had constraints


cdsw <- Cdsw(masses)
tmp <- cdsw$sampling_breaks(maxwindow=100,plot=TRUE)


#>        from      to      mid  width counts
#> 0%   349.63  381.69  365.660  32.06   6098
#> 4%   380.69  408.69  394.690  28.00   6428
#> 8%   407.69  432.39  420.040  24.70   6553
#> 12%  431.39  455.19  443.290  23.80   6612
#> 16%  454.19  476.44  465.315  22.25   6622
#> 20%  475.44  497.08  486.260  21.64   6678
#> 24%  496.08  517.97  507.025  21.89   6752
#> 28%  516.97  538.78  527.875  21.81   6717
#> 32%  537.78  559.80  548.790  22.02   6701
#> 36%  558.80  580.86  569.830  22.06   6662
#> 40%  579.86  602.86  591.360  23.00   6679
#> 44%  601.86  626.05  613.955  24.19   6640
#> 48%  625.05  649.83  637.440  24.78   6539
#> 52%  648.83  674.86  661.845  26.03   6405
#> 56%  673.86  700.87  687.365  27.01   6405
#> 60%  699.87  728.40  714.135  28.53   6295
#> 64%  727.40  758.26  742.830  30.86   6150
#> 68%  757.26  790.59  773.925  33.33   6136
#> 72%  789.59  826.63  808.110  37.04   5997
#> 76%  825.63  867.13  846.380  41.50   5802
#> 80%  866.13  912.57  889.350  46.44   5481
#> 84%  911.57  963.95  937.760  52.38   5115
#> 88%  962.95 1027.00  994.975  64.05   4654
#> 92% 1026.00 1100.73 1063.365  74.73   4121
#> 96% 1099.73 1200.48 1150.105 100.75   3121
#>      0%      4%      8%     12%     16%     20%     24%     28%     32%     36% 
#>  350.13  381.19  408.19  431.89  454.69  475.94  496.58  517.47  538.28  559.30 
#>     40%     44%     48%     52%     56%     60%     64%     68%     72%     76% 
#>  580.36  602.36  625.55  649.33  674.36  700.37  727.90  757.76  790.09  826.13 
#>     80%     84%     88%     92%     96%    100% 
#>  866.63  912.07  963.45 1026.50 1100.23 1199.98 
#>       from      to     mid width counts
#> 1   350.13  381.35  365.74 31.22   6053
#> 2   381.05  408.35  394.70 27.30   6304
#> 3   408.15  431.95  420.05 23.80   6319
#> 4   431.85  454.85  443.35 23.00   6449
#> 5   454.65  476.05  465.35 21.40   6362
#> 6   475.85  496.85  486.35 21.00   6526
#> 7   496.45  517.85  507.15 21.40   6587
#> 8   517.45  538.45  527.95 21.00   6492
#> 9   538.15  559.45  548.80 21.30   6508
#> 10  559.15  580.45  569.80 21.30   6448
#> 11  580.15  602.45  591.30 22.30   6526
#> 12  602.15  626.05  614.10 23.90   6604
#> 13  625.45  649.45  637.45 24.00   6338
#> 14  649.25  674.45  661.85 25.20   6248
#> 15  674.25  700.45  687.35 26.20   6277
#> 16  700.25  728.15  714.20 27.90   6163
#> 17  727.75  758.15  742.95 30.40   6117
#> 18  757.75  790.15  773.95 32.40   5970
#> 19  789.65  826.15  807.90 36.50   5928
#> 20  825.65  866.65  846.15 41.00   5733
#> 21  866.55  912.15  889.35 45.60   5353
#> 22  912.05  963.55  937.80 51.50   5057
#> 23  963.35 1026.65  995.00 63.30   4612
#> 24 1026.45 1100.25 1063.35 73.80   4081
#> 25 1100.15 1200.05 1150.10 99.90   3101