Readjust windows so that boundaries in regions of few peaks.

readjustWindows(wind, ms1data, digits = 1, maxbin = 15, plot = FALSE)



a data frame with columns from and to




mass accuracy


maximum number of bins


diagnostic plots (default FALSE)


data.frame of same format as wind but with improved start and end masses.


cdsw <- Cdsw(masses)
breaks <- cdsw$sampling_breaks(maxwindow=100,plot=TRUE)

table <- cdsw$asTable()
#> [1] 25  5
#>       from     to     mid width counts
#> 0%  349.63 381.72 365.675 32.09   6123
#> 4%  380.72 408.72 394.720 28.00   6415
#> 8%  407.72 432.27 419.995 24.55   6530
#> 12% 431.27 454.73 443.000 23.46   6529
#> 16% 453.73 476.25 464.990 22.52   6657
#> 20% 475.25 497.07 486.160 21.82   6752

tmp <- readjustWindows(table, masses,maxbin=10)
#>       from      to      mid  width counts
#> 1   349.63  381.95  365.790  32.32   6177
#> 2   380.45  409.05  394.750  28.60   6576
#> 3   407.65  432.35  420.000  24.70   6557
#> 4   431.15  455.05  443.100  23.90   6722
#> 5   453.65  476.35  465.000  22.70   6746
#> 6   475.15  497.15  486.150  22.00   6828
#> 7   496.05  518.15  507.100  22.10   6763
#> 8   516.45  539.05  527.750  22.60   7017
#> 9   537.45  560.05  548.750  22.60   6863
#> 10  558.55  581.45  570.000  22.90   6916
#> 11  580.15  603.45  591.800  23.30   6800
#> 12  602.15  626.15  614.150  24.00   6607
#> 13  624.55  650.15  637.350  25.60   6776
#> 14  648.55  675.25  661.900  26.70   6531
#> 15  674.15  701.45  687.800  27.30   6496
#> 16  700.25  729.15  714.700  28.90   6372
#> 17  727.65  759.15  743.400  31.50   6344
#> 18  757.65  791.55  774.600  33.90   6200
#> 19  790.25  827.55  808.900  37.30   6035
#> 20  826.25  867.15  846.700  40.90   5693
#> 21  866.05  912.75  889.400  46.70   5495
#> 22  911.65  964.75  938.200  53.10   5183
#> 23  963.65 1027.65  995.650  64.00   4641
#> 24 1026.35 1101.15 1063.750  74.80   4122
#> 25 1099.95 1200.48 1150.215 100.53   3120